30 March 2008

Immersion in the Moment...

I enjoy a good deal of the material that bloggers like Big Daddy Drew and Will Leitch post, both on Kissing Suzy Kolber, Deadspin, the New York Times, etc. I enjoy the comedic eloquence, the immature yet unapologetic viewpoints, and the caricatures of various athletes and sports figures. In the case of the above mentioned writers, occasionally they venture beyond a simple sporting event and embed a shred of serious writing, moreso in the case of Leitch than Drew. Drew recently made one of those rare ventures beyond the standard with his latest post on Deadspin. Very enjoyable and, beneath the initial recollections of concerts attended, bagels eaten, and coitus engaged, is a relatively poignant commentary on the fact that, too often, people (most definitely including myself, as I am consistently guilty of this) tend to care more about their perception by others rather than their own belief in a cause or enjoyment of a moment. As Drew notes, getting "into it" is a state that should be sought more often. Good stuff.

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