30 March 2008


I don't actually believe that the ramblings in this blog will ever have faithful readers, beyond the occasional perusal by my loving wife. And that was surely not the intent behind initiating this blog. I'm simply engaging in some random writing, providing an outlet for various observations and indignations reverberating in my head, attempting to utilize larger words than required in sentences, all in a simple to use and presumably perpetual venue.

I have to admit, this has been a somewhat more difficult exercise than I anticipated. It takes a good deal of effort to sit down each day and record thoughts in new and imaginative ways. Which, I imagine, is why so many writers record their thoughts in formulaic fashion, utilizing familiar gimmicks to serve as the scaffolding around the original snippets of thought. Nonetheless, those bloggers and writers who post day after day, particularly those who do so as a hobby or alternate pursuit beyond their day job, impress me greatly.

Clearly, I drifted away from posting in this forum for an extended period of time. I'm not entirely sure that these two postings will be the start of another extended run. But, a dumping of my consciousness seemed to be worthy of a few minutes this evening. It's interesting to me that, as I'm getting older, my interests seem to be expanding into a greater number of areas. However, the intensity of that interest is highly variable and fluctuating, with no discernible pattern or motivation. Sports do not hold my interest with the same degree, mostly serving as background noise as I read, research, or observe other things. Then again, I'm cutting this off to devote my full attention to the final 16 seconds of tonight's Lakers-Wizards game. So maybe I'm not evolving as much as I think I am...

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